Each of the actors in The Jungle Book plays more than one role with the exception of Mowgli. For example we have only 5 actors on tour but the show calls for 9 characters. We are using different headresses to let the audience know that the same actors is now playing a different character but we also expect the actors to use their bodies and voices to create a different persona for each character. For example; Kelly is playing Tabaqni and Kaa. Tabaqni is a jackal and Kaa is a snake. As Kaa, Kelly is making her "s" sound long and hiss-like. She is also moving more fluidly and slowly. As Tabaqni she move quicker and is very defferential to the bigger more dangerous characters just like the jackal in real life who feeds after animals such as the lion or panther.
We have 3 boys in our cast. Let's meet them now!
Damian Gillen is playing Bagheera and Akela. He is a trained Shakespearian actor with lots of experience in Shakespearian plays. He has performed in Austin, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston. He also runs his own theatre company, The Company Theatre, and in the winter perfoms in a one man version of A Christmas Carol called BAH HUMBUG!
Andrew Heinrich is playing Shere Khan. He is originally from Wisconsin and is a musician as well
as an actor. He has a few albums out with Celtic music. He is also a

trained stage-fighter. He works around San Antonio choreographing and teaching stage fights for St. Philips College, Northwest Vista College and with The San Antonio Opera.

Anthony is a Company Member at The Magik Theatre. He works there full time and is the youngest company member at this time. He only discovered acting a few years ago and became quite good very fast. Last season he was a member of the local touring company and this summer he performed as Charlie in Willy Wonka at the theatre.
Rehearsal Update- Today we had a read through of the script with the music. Tomorrow we will start blocking! Blocking means "telling the actors where to move and when."